Thursday, January 16, 2014

Alt-J - An Awesome Wave, Album Review

An Awesome Wave
An Awesome Wave is a perfect name for this near perfect album. The light piano intro on the first song of the album "Intro," was the exact thing  that this ground breaking album needed. Throughout the album you'll find psychedelic, mind entrancing and jaw dropping music. With some of the greatest synthesizer and drum combinations in 2013 by a mile, this album drew immediate attention to all of those that bothered listening to the album or any of the songs on it. "Breezeblocks," was most probably their most radio famous song, has a very enjoyable and melodic entrance with an immediate pick up right into the chorus. This song has an extremely catchy chorus and one of the most simple rhythms and beats throughout any of their songs, explaining the general media success.

The fan favorite "Matilda," starts with a very dark sound, making you feel lost and dreaded wondering who Matilda really is; but, soon after the song picks up, bringing you into the song still curious as to who she is; and, why does she need me? The lyrics help you depict this girl, and who she is. Do you know her? You may not, but you feel like you have to help her now; which, leaves you interested in the song throughout and enjoying the rhythm. Sadly, the question is never answered and you remain lost, never really knowing who Matilda is. 

Many of the songs on this album leave you with questions, or help you answer a few of your own.
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5

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